MAKER Genome Annotation using cc-tools and Jetstream(WQ-MAKER)¶
Part 3: Set up a MAKER run using the Terminal window. Instead IF you want to run the WQ-MAKER using Jupyter notebook please see the section below¶
Step 1: Navigate to the mounted volume.
Once you have logged in to your instance using webshell or ssh of your MASTER instance, you must change the directory permissions as below
#Change the ownership and group permission on the mount location
$ sudo chown -hR $USER /vol_b
$ sudo chgrp -hR $USER /vol_b
# cd into the /vol_b and then run WQ-MAKER in there
$ cd /vol_b
Step 2: Get oriented. You will find staged example data in “/opt/WQ-MAKER_example_data/” within the MASTER instance. List its contents with the ls command:
$ ls /opt/WQ-MAKER_example_data/
maker_bopts.ctl maker_exe.ctl maker-hosts maker_opts.ctl test_data worker-launch.yml
$ ls /opt/WQ-MAKER_example_data/test_data
mRNA.fasta msu-irgsp-proteins.fasta Os-rRNA.fa plant_repeats.fasta test_genome_chr1.fasta test_genome.fasta
2.1 maker_*.ctl file are a set of configuration files that can be used for this exercise or generated as described below.
2.2 worker-launch.yml and maker-hosts are ansible-playbook and host file for luanching jobs on WORKERS (optional for WQ-MAKER)
2.3 fasta files include a scaled-down genome (test_genome.fasta) which is comprised of the first 300kb of 12 chromosomes of rice and scaled-down genome (test_genome_chr1.fasta) which is comprised of the first 300kb of first chromosome of rice
2.4 mRNA sequences from NCBI (mRNA.fasta)
2.5 publicly available annotated protein sequences of rice (MSU7.0 and IRGSP1.0) - msu-irgsp-proteins.fasta
2.6 collection of plant repeats (plant_repeats.fasta)
2.7ribosomal RNAsequence of rice (Os-rRNA.fa)
Executables for running MAKER are located in /opt/maker/bin and /opt/maker/exe:
As the names suggest the “/opt/maker/bin” directory includes many useful auxiliary scripts. For example cufflinks2gff3 will convert output from an RNA-seq analysis into a GFF3 file that can be used for input as evidence for WQ-MAKER. RepeatMasker, augustus, blast, exonerate, and snap are programs that MAKER uses in its pipeline. We recommend reading MAKER Tutorial at GMOD for more information about these.
Step 3: Set up a WQ-MAKER run. Create a working directory called “maker_run” on your home directory using the mkdir command and use cd to move into that directory:
# Navigate to the mounted volume for creating test directory
$ cd /vol_b
$ mkdir wq_maker_run
$ cd wq_maker_run
Step 4: Copy the contents of “WQ-MAKER_example_data” into the current directory using cp -r command. Verify using the ls command. Change the permissions on that directory
$ sudo cp -r /opt/WQ-MAKER_example_data/test_data .
Step 5: Run the maker command with the –help flag to get a usage statement and list of options:
$ maker -h
Argument "2.53_01" isn't numeric in numeric ge (>=) at /usr/local/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/perl/5.22.1/ line 1570.
MAKER version 2.31.9
maker [options] <maker_opts> <maker_bopts> <maker_exe>
MAKER is a program that produces gene annotations in GFF3 format using
evidence such as EST alignments and protein homology. MAKER can be used to
produce gene annotations for new genomes as well as update annotations
from existing genome databases.
The three input arguments are control files that specify how MAKER should
behave. All options for MAKER should be set in the control files, but a
few can also be set on the command line. Command line options provide a
convenient machanism to override commonly altered control file values.
MAKER will automatically search for the control files in the current
working directory if they are not specified on the command line.
Input files listed in the control options files must be in fasta format
unless otherwise specified. Please see MAKER documentation to learn more
about control file configuration. MAKER will automatically try and
locate the user control files in the current working directory if these
arguments are not supplied when initializing MAKER.
It is important to note that MAKER does not try and recalculated data that
it has already calculated. For example, if you run an analysis twice on
the same dataset you will notice that MAKER does not rerun any of the
BLAST analyses, but instead uses the blast analyses stored from the
previous run. To force MAKER to rerun all analyses, use the -f flag.
MAKER also supports parallelization via MPI on computer clusters. Just
launch MAKER via mpiexec (i.e. mpiexec -n 40 maker). MPI support must be
configured during the MAKER installation process for this to work though
-genome|g <file> Overrides the genome file path in the control files
-RM_off|R Turns all repeat masking options off.
-datastore/ Forcably turn on/off MAKER's two deep directory
nodatastore structure for output. Always on by default.
-old_struct Use the old directory styles (MAKER 2.26 and lower)
-base <string> Set the base name MAKER uses to save output files.
MAKER uses the input genome file name by default.
-tries|t <integer> Run contigs up to the specified number of tries.
-cpus|c <integer> Tells how many cpus to use for BLAST analysis.
Note: this is for BLAST and not for MPI!
-force|f Forces MAKER to delete old files before running again.
This will require all blast analyses to be rerun.
-again|a recaculate all annotations and output files even if no
settings have changed. Does not delete old analyses.
-quiet|q Regular quiet. Only a handlful of status messages.
-qq Even more quiet. There are no status messages.
-dsindex Quickly generate datastore index file. Note that this
will not check if run settings have changed on contigs
-nolock Turn off file locks. May be usful on some file systems,
but can cause race conditions if running in parallel.
-TMP Specify temporary directory to use.
-CTL Generate empty control files in the current directory.
-OPTS Generates just the maker_opts.ctl file.
-BOPTS Generates just the maker_bopts.ctl file.
-EXE Generates just the maker_exe.ctl file.
-MWAS <option> Easy way to control mwas_server for web-based GUI
options: STOP
-version Prints the MAKER version.
-help|? Prints this usage statement.
Step 6: Create control files that tell MAKER what to do. Three files are required:
6.1 maker_opts.ctl - gives location of input files (genome and evidence) and sets options that affect MAKER behavior
6.2 maker_exe.ctl - gives path information for the underlying executables.
6.3 maker_bopt.ctl - sets parameters for filtering BLAST and Exonerate alignment results
To create these files run the maker command with the -CTL flag. Verify with ls:
$ maker -CTL
$ ls
maker_bopts.ctl maker_exe.ctl maker_opts.ctl test_data
6.4 The "maker_exe.ctl" is automatically generated with the correct paths to executables and does not need to be modified.
6.5 The "maker_bopt.ctl" is automatically generated with reasonable default parameters and also does not need to be modified unless you want to experiment with optimization of these parameters.
6.6 The automatically generated "maker_opts.ctl" file needs to be modified in order to specify the genome file and evidence files to be used as input. You can use the text editor "vi" or "nano" that is already installed in the MASTER instance
$ rm maker_opts.ctl
$ cp /opt/WQ-MAKER_example_data/maker_opts.ctl .
#-----Gene Prediction
snaphmm= #SNAP HMM file
gmhmm= #GeneMark HMM file
augustus_species= #Augustus gene prediction species model
fgenesh_par_file= #FGENESH parameter file
pred_gff= #ab-initio predictions from an external GFF3 file
model_gff= #annotated gene models from an external GFF3 file (annotation pass-through)
est2genome=1 #infer gene predictions directly from ESTs, 1 = yes, 0 = no # Change 1 to 0
protein2genome=1 #infer predictions from protein homology, 1 = yes, 0 = no # Change 1 to 0
unmask=0 #also run ab-initio prediction programs on unmasked sequence, 1 = yes, 0 = no
Otherwise open the maker_opts.ctl in a text editor of choice )
$ nano maker_opts.ctl
Here are the sections of the “maker_opts.ctl” file you need to edit. For more information about the this please check this The_MAKER_control_files_explained - Add path information to files as shown.
This section pertains to specifying the genome assembly to be annotated and setting organism type:
#-----Genome (these are always required)
genome=./test_data/test_genome.fasta #genome sequence (fasta file or fasta embeded in GFF3 file)
organism_type=eukaryotic #eukaryotic or prokaryotic. Default is eukaryotic
The following section pertains to EST and other mRNA expression evidence. Here we are only using same species data, but one could specify data from a related species using the “altest” parameter. With RNA-seq data aligned to your genome by Cufflinks or Tophat one could use maker auxiliary scripts (cufflinks2gff3 and tophat2gff3) to generate GFF3 files and specify these using the est_gff parameter:
..code-block:: bash
#—–EST Evidence (for best results provide a file for at least one) est=./test_data/mRNA.fasta #set of ESTs or assembled mRNA-seq in fasta format altest= #EST/cDNA sequence file in fasta format from an alternate organism est_gff= #aligned ESTs or mRNA-seq from an external GFF3 file altest_gff= #aligned ESTs from a closely relate species in GFF3 format
The following section pertains to protein sequence evidence. Here we are using previously annotated protein sequences. Another option would be to use SwissProt or other database:
#-----Protein Homology Evidence (for best results provide a file for at least one)
protein=./test_data/msu-irgsp-proteins.fasta #protein sequence file in fasta format (i.e. from mutiple oransisms)
protein_gff= #aligned protein homology evidence from an external GFF3 file
This next section pertains to repeat identification:
#-----Repeat Masking (leave values blank to skip repeat masking)
model_org= #select a model organism for RepBase masking in RepeatMasker
rmlib=./test_data/plant_repeats.fasta #provide an organism specific repeat library in fasta format for RepeatMasker
repeat_protein= #provide a fasta file of transposable element proteins for RepeatRunner
rm_gff= #pre-identified repeat elements from an external GFF3 file
prok_rm=0 #forces MAKER to repeatmask prokaryotes (no reason to change this), 1 = yes, 0 = no
softmask=1 #use soft-masking rather than hard-masking in BLAST (i.e. seg and dust filtering)
Step 7: Run WQ-MAKER
Before running MAKER, check to make sure all worker instances have become active.
On the MASTER instance, make sure you are in the “maker_run” directory and all of your files are in place and then run:
$ nohup wq_maker -contigs-per-split 1 -cores 1 -memory 2048 -disk 4096 -N wq_test_${USER} -d all -o master.dbg -debug_size_limit=0 -stats test_out_stats.txt > log_file.txt 2>&1 &
7.1 -contigs-per-split 1: splits the genome file into 1 contig/scaffold/sequence per file. By specifiying this option, we are telling wq_maker to split the genome file into 1 sequence per file. By default, the wq_maker splits the fasta file into 10 sequences per file and this case, it is not ideal because, there will be 2 files (1 containing chromosomes from 1-10 and the other containing 11-12). This will decrease the speed at the wq_maker annotates the genome.
Warning: Unless otherwise you have a complete genome containing chromosomes or very few scaffolds, it is not recommended to use this option. For example if you have a genome that contains 10,000 sequences, then this option will create 10,000 files on your working directory which is not ideal of navigation purposes. Check to see how many contigs/scaffolds/chromosomes you have in your genome using grep “>” -c <genome fasta file> and if the number is too high, then avoid this option
7.2 N maker_run_ud sets the project name to wq_test_{USER}. This is mandatory if we need to run WQ-MAKER.
7.3 -d all Sets the debug flag for Work Queue. For all debugging output, try ‘all’ 7.4 -o master.dbg Sets the debug file for Work Queue 7.5 -debug_size_limit=0 Sets the byte wrap around on the debug file. 0 signifies it is never wrapped (Default it 1M)
Wait for the MASTER to advertise master status to the catalog server before your run WQ-MAKER on the WORKERS (see below).
INFO $ tail log_file.txt
Mon Sep 11 15:08:22 2017 :: Submitting file ./test_data/test_genome.fasta_000008 for processing. Mon Sep 11 15:08:22 2017 :: Submitted task 11 for annotating ./test_data/test_genome.fasta_000008 with command: mpiexec -n 1 maker -g ./test_data/test_genome.fasta_000008 -base test_genome -debug_size_limit=0 Mon Sep 11 15:08:22 2017 :: Submitting file ./test_data/test_genome.fasta_000006 for processing. Mon Sep 11 15:08:22 2017 :: Submitted task 12 for annotating ./test_data/test_genome.fasta_000006 with command: mpiexec -n 1 maker -g ./test_data/test_genome.fasta_000006 -base test_genome -debug_size_limit=0 warning: this work queue master is visible to the public. warning: you should set a password with the –password option.
Once the log_file show the above output and once your WORKERS are in active state, then either ssh or use webshell into each of the WORKERS and then run
$ nohup work_queue_worker -N wq_test_${USER} --cores all --debug-rotate-max=0 -d all -o worker.dbg > log_file_2.txt 2>&1 &
7.6 -N wq_test_${USER} sets the project name to maker_run_test. This is mandatory if we need to run WQ-MAKER. This is the same id that we have specified with MASTER
7.7 –debug-rotate-max=0 Set the maximum size of the debug log (default 10M, 0 disables)
7.8 -d all Sets the debug flag for Work Queue. For all debugging output, try ‘all’ 7.9 -o worker.dbg Sets the debug file for Work Queue
7.10 –cores all Uses all the cores on the machine
Note(Advanced Users)¶
You can use Anisble method to launch jobs without ssh’ing into WORKERS from the MASTER itself. Once the maker run is started on the master, and once your WORKERS are in active state
Step 1: Copy ansible.cfg file into your home directory which will help you to avoid host verification
$ cp /opt/WQ-MAKER_example_data/.ansible.cfg ~
Step 2: Add ssh keys of MASTER to the JetStream atmosphere. This will allow Ansible to launch the jobs without ssh into the WORKERS. Step 3: Copy maker-hosts file into your working directory and populate it with ip addresses of the WORKERS
$ cp /opt/WQ-MAKER_example_data/maker-hosts .
$ echo "" >> maker-hosts # This ip address of the WORKER is specific to my account. This will not work for you
$ echo "" >> maker-hosts # This ip address of the WORKER is specific to my account. This will not work for you
Step 4: Copy the Ansible playbook to your working directory.
$ cp /opt/WQ-MAKER_example_data/worker-launch.yml .
$ cat worker-launch.yml
- hosts : workers
PATH: "{{ ansible_env.PATH }}:/home/${USER}/bin:/home/${USER}/.local/bin:/opt/icommands:/opt/icommands:/opt/exonerate-2.2.0-x86_64/bin/:/opt/cctools/bin:/opt/ncbi-blast-2.6.0+/bin/:/opt/snoscan-0.9.1/:/opt/tRNAscan-SE-1.3.1/:/opt/snap/:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games:/snap/bin:/opt/augustus-3.2.2/bin:/opt/maker/bin:/opt/RepeatMasker:/opt/snap"
PERL5LIB: "/opt/tRNAscan-SE-1.3.1::/opt/cctools/lib/perl5/site_perl"
tasks :
- name : Execute the script
shell : /opt/cctools/bin/work_queue_worker -N wq_test_${USER} -s /home/${USER} --cores all --debug-rotate-max=0 -d all -o /home/${USER}/worker.dbg
4.1 - hosts is the name of the hosts (workers in this case. It can be anything)
4.2 tasks is the task that need to be performed by the Ansible (In this case run work_queue_worker)
4.3 name is just name of the task (It can be anything)
4.4 -N maker_run_test sets the project name to maker_run_test. This is mandatory if we need to run WQ-MAKER
4.5 -s /home/upendra/ Set the location for creating the working directory of the worker
4.6 --debug-rotate-max=0 Set the maximum size of the debug log (default 10M, 0 disables)
4.7 -d all Sets the debug flag for Work Queue. For all debugging output, try 'all'
4.8 -o worker.dbg Sets the debug file for Work Queue
Step 5: Run WQ-MAKER on the WORKERS
$ nohup ansible-playbook -u ${USER} -i maker-hosts worker-launch.yml > log_file_2.txt 2>&1 &
To check the status of the WQ-MAKER job, run the following. .. code-block:: bash
$ work_queue_status -M wq_test_${USER} PROJECT HOST PORT WAITING RUNNING COMPLETE WORKERS maker_run_test js-157-131.jetstream- 9155 8 4 0 4
Step 8. Stats output from MASTER instance The log_file.txt will tell you if the job has been finished or not.
$ tail log_file.txt
WQ-MAKER Start_time: 1505157588000000
WQ-MAKER End_time: 1505157849000000
WQ-MAKER Elapsed: 0d 0:04:21.000000
Work Queue Wall Time: 0d 0:04:00.427755
Cumulative Task Wall Time: 0d 0:36:25.377304
Cumulative Task Good Execute Time: 0d 0:36:25.377304
Work Queue Send Time: 0d 0:00:01.437632
Work Queue Receive Time: 0d 0:00:03.863163
Mon Sep 11 15:24:09 2017 :: MPI used :: Cores 1 :: Memory 1024 :: Disk 2048
The following are the output files from WQ-MAKER
$ ls test_genome.maker.output/test_genome.maker.output
maker_bopts.log maker_exe.log maker_opts.log mpi_blastdb test_genome_datastore test_genome_master_datastore_index.log
8.1 The maker_opts.log, maker_exe.log, and maker_bopts.log files are logs of the control files used for this run of MAKER. 8.2 The mpi_blastdb directory contains FASTA indexes and BLAST database files created from the input EST, protein, and repeat databases. 8.3 test_genome_master_datastore_index.log contains information on both the run status of individual contigs and information on where individual contig data is stored. 8.4 The test_genome_datastore directory contains a set of subfolders, each containing the final MAKER output for individual contigs from the genomic fasta file.
Check the test_genome_master_datastore_index.log and task_outputs.txt to see if there were any failures:
$ cat test_genome.maker.output/test_genome_master_datastore_index.log
Chr1 test_genome_datastore/41/30/Chr1/ STARTED
Chr10 test_genome_datastore/7C/72/Chr10/ STARTED
Chr11 test_genome_datastore/1E/AA/Chr11/ STARTED
Chr12 test_genome_datastore/1B/FA/Chr12/ STARTED
Chr2 test_genome_datastore/E9/36/Chr2/ STARTED
Chr3 test_genome_datastore/CC/EF/Chr3/ STARTED
Chr4 test_genome_datastore/A3/11/Chr4/ STARTED
Chr5 test_genome_datastore/8A/9B/Chr5/ STARTED
Chr6 test_genome_datastore/13/44/Chr6/ STARTED
Chr7 test_genome_datastore/91/B7/Chr7/ STARTED
Chr8 test_genome_datastore/9A/9E/Chr8/ STARTED
Chr9 test_genome_datastore/87/90/Chr9/ STARTED
Chr1 test_genome_datastore/41/30/Chr1/ FINISHED
Chr10 test_genome_datastore/7C/72/Chr10/ FINISHED
Chr11 test_genome_datastore/1E/AA/Chr11/ FINISHED
Chr12 test_genome_datastore/1B/FA/Chr12/ FINISHED
Chr2 test_genome_datastore/E9/36/Chr2/ FINISHED
Chr3 test_genome_datastore/CC/EF/Chr3/ FINISHED
Chr4 test_genome_datastore/A3/11/Chr4/ FINISHED
Chr5 test_genome_datastore/8A/9B/Chr5/ FINISHED
Chr6 test_genome_datastore/13/44/Chr6/ FINISHED
Chr7 test_genome_datastore/91/B7/Chr7/ FINISHED
Chr8 test_genome_datastore/9A/9E/Chr8/ FINISHED
Chr9 test_genome_datastore/87/90/Chr9/ FINISHED
All completed. Other possible status entries include:
- FAILED - indicates a failed run on this contig, MAKER will retry these
- RETRY - indicates that MAKER is retrying a contig that failed
- SKIPPED_SMALL - indicates the contig was too short to annotate (minimum contig length is specified in maker_opt.ctl)
- DIED_SKIPPED_PERMANENT - indicates a failed contig that MAKER will not attempt to retry (number of times to retry a contig is specified in maker_opt.ctl)
The actual output data is stored in in nested set of directories under* test_genome_datastore* in a nested directory structure.
A typical set of outputs for a contig looks like this:
$ ls test_genome.maker.output/test_genome_datastore/*/*/*
Chr6.gff Chr6.maker.proteins.fasta Chr6.maker.transcripts.fasta
Chr6.maker.non_overlapping_ab_initio.proteins.fasta Chr6.maker.snap_masked.proteins.fasta run.log
Chr6.maker.non_overlapping_ab_initio.transcripts.fasta Chr6.maker.snap_masked.transcripts.fasta theVoid.Chr6
- The Chr6.gff file is in GFF3 format and contains the maker gene models and underlying evidence such as repeat regions, alignment data, and ab initio gene predictions, as well as fasta sequence. Having all of these data in one file is important to enable visualization of the called gene models and underlying evidence, especially using tools like Apollo which enable manual editing and curation of gene models.
- The fasta files Chr6.maker.proteins.fasta and Chr6.maker.transcripts.fasta contain the protein and transcript sequences for the final MAKER gene calls.
- The Chr6.maker.non_overlapping_ab_initio.proteins.fasta and Chr6.maker.non_overlapping_ab_initio.transcripts.fasta files are models that don’t overlap MAKER genes that were rejected for lack of support.
- The Chr6.maker.snap_masked.proteins.fasta and Chr6.maker.snap_masked.transcript.fasta are the initial SNAP predicted models not further processed by MAKER
The output directory theVoid.Chr1 contains raw output data from all of the pipeline steps. One useful file found here is the repeat-masked version of the contig, query.masked.fasta.
Step 9: Merge the gff files
$ gff3_merge -n -d test_genome.maker.output/test_genome_master_datastore_index.log
9.1 -d The location of the MAKER datastore index log file. 9.2 -n Do not print fasta sequence in footer
By default, the output of the gff3_merge is test_genome.all.gff, but you can have an alternate base name for the output files using “-o” option
If you want to perform abinition gene predictions then you should skip -n option. Run
$ gff3_merge -d test_genome_master_datastore_index.logAnd follow the rest of the steps of abinitio gene predictions in here
The final output from gff3_merge is “test_genome.all.gff”
##gff-version 3 Chr6 maker gene 43764 46139 . - . ID=maker-Chr6-snap-gene-0.3;Name=maker-Chr6-snap-gene-0.3 Chr6 maker mRNA 43764 46139 . - . ID=maker-Chr6-snap-gene-0.3-mRNA-1;Parent=maker-Chr6-snap-gene-0.3;Name=maker-Chr6-snap-gene-0.3-mRNA-1;_AED=0.12;_eAED=0.50;_QI=64|0|0|1|0|0.33|3|0|76 Chr6 maker exon 43764 43846 . - . ID=maker-Chr6-snap-gene-0.3-mRNA-1:exon:2;Parent=maker-Chr6-snap-gene-0.3-mRNA-1 Chr6 maker exon 44833 44896 . - . ID=maker-Chr6-snap-gene-0.3-mRNA-1:exon:1;Parent=maker-Chr6-snap-gene-0.3-mRNA-1 Chr6 maker exon 45992 46139 . - . ID=maker-Chr6-snap-gene-0.3-mRNA-1:exon:0;Parent=maker-Chr6-snap-gene-0.3-mRNA-1 Chr6 maker five_prime_UTR 46076 46139 . - . ID=maker-Chr6-snap-gene-0.3-mRNA-1:five_prime_utr;Parent=maker-Chr6-snap-gene-0.3-mRNA-1 Chr6 maker CDS 45992 46075 . - 0 ID=maker-Chr6-snap-gene-0.3-mRNA-1:cds;Parent=maker-Chr6-snap-gene-0.3-mRNA-1 Chr6 maker CDS 44833 44896 . - 0 ID=maker-Chr6-snap-gene-0.3-mRNA-1:cds;Parent=maker-Chr6-snap-gene-0.3-mRNA-1 Chr6 maker CDS 43764 43846 . - 2 ID=maker-Chr6-snap-gene-0.3-mRNA-1:cds;Parent=maker-Chr6-snap-gene-0.3-mRNA-1
Moving data from CyVerse Datastore using iCommands¶
iCommands is a collection of commands for Linux and Mac OS operating systems that are used in the iRODS system to interact with the CyVerse Data Store. Many commands are very similar to Unix utilities. For example, to list files and directories, in Linux you use ls, but in iCommands you use ils. While iCommands are great for all transfers and for automating tasks via scripts, they are the best choice for large files (2-100 GB each) and for bulk file transfers (many small files). For a comparison of the different methods of uploading and downloading data items, see Downloading and Uploading Data. iCommands can be used by CyVerse account users to download files that have been shared by other users and to upload files to the Data Store, as well as add metadata, change permissions, and more. Commonly used iCommands are listed below. Follow the instructions on Setting Up iCommands for how to download and configure iCommands for your operating system. A CyVerse account is not required to download a public data file via iCommands. To see instructions just for public data download with iCommands, see the iCommands section on Downloading Data Files Without a User Account. For configuring icommands and the different commands that can be used to move the data in and out of datastore, please refer this link. You may want to watch a CyVerse video about iCommands.